Looking for more specific services? We’re here for you. Find out what we can offer in addition to customary architectural services...

Facilities Consulting
We can help with identifying the requirements and potential pitfalls for your project early in the development process before the onset of expensive permitting and design work. Our feasibility studies include investigating site and building limitations, zoning and code analysis, and preliminary design work to establish project requirements. Our study also includes required costs and expenses beyond construction such as fees, permits, insurance and operating expenses as well as construction costs.

General Inspection
We can assist you in providing an evaluation of your building to determine what is necessary to bring your building into code compliance.

Historic Preservation
We work closely with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to determine the most effective way to restore the character and fabric of your historic building.

Accessibility Improvements
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that persons with disabilities be provided with equal access to buildings and services. We are well versed in this civil rights legislation as well as other local and state codes and regulations related to accessibility. This experience allows us to direct you to the most economical solution to providing accessibility in your project.